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A place for reading, writing, and empowerment


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Empowerment: How to Empower Yourself

young Black woman reading in a window


young man reading in a field


YOUR WEIRDNESS IS YOUR SUPER POWER. How do I know? 'Cuz I'm a weirdo too! I have a PhD in experimental psychology, deployed to Iraq as a civilian, and value rescue dogs even more than writing. Come one and all and enter my STRANGE STORY WORLDS of the unique, the unusual, and the unconventional. You can also explore resources for writing and learn how to empower yourself.  

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"Embrace Your Weirdness"


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Why did he insist that even his son refer to him as Dr. Phillips, and what is the terrible family tradition, passed down from father to son? 'Sins of our Fathers' answers these questions in a manner which reminded me of a classic mystery/horror movie. Indeed, I could easily envision the cold, distant, secretive Dr. Phillips as played by Vincent Price. - David L. Brzeski, British Fantasy Society

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